  Birth control pills are a major cause for yeast infections in women.
Birth Control pills weaken the immune system, making the body more succeptible to yeast.

If you are currently on birth control and suffer from chronic yeast infections, the information below will be of benefit to you and shed some light on how you can help yourself in becoming yeast infection free!

RECURRING YEAST INFECTIONS: Birth Control And Yeast Infections

Not only are recurring yeast infections in women annoying, but they can also cause health issues in the long run.

Chronic Urinary Tract Infections, and Diabetes are just two of the illnesses that recurrent yeast infections can cause.

When you have more than 4 yeast infections a year, they are considered to be recurring.

Since Birth Control Pills are the common cause of recurring yeast infections, a number of women reported having fewer episodes after stopping the pill or even changing brands.

Birth control pills cause recurring yeast infections because they alter hormonal balance.

When birth control pills are taken over time, the vaginal PH in the vagina can be altered by the hormones that are given off in the pill. When this happens, the environment in the vagina can change and cause a more alkaline environment. With a more alkaline environment, yeast can live without anything stopping it.

Being that women take the birth control pill every day, this can become an ongoing cycle and can make life in general very uncomfortable.



ALTERNATIVE CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS: Birth Control Pills And Yeast Infections

Many women seek alternative methods of contraception because of recurring yeast infections while taking the birth control pill. Although birth control pills with lower estrogen levels may lessen recurring yeast infections, women still believe in stopping the pill period!

One type of birth control pill that will lower the risk of yeast infections is the mini-pill. This pill only contains just one type of hormone called progestin. This is the main hormone level in the pill which stops the body from becoming pregnant. Only taking this type of pill does seem to lower the chance of getting a yeast infection in recent studies.

Other non-hormonal options for birth control include:

contraceptive sponges
cervical caps
the female condom


Before you stop taking birth control pills in order to prevent your recurring yeast infections, I urge you to read further!

I was once a chronic sufferer of yeast infections. I am a 32 year old sexually active female. The pill is my favorite method of contraception, and I have been on it for over 10 years.

Last year I started getting recurring yeast infections and thought at first that it was my diet. I had started to date a new boyfriend and every week was sitting down to pasta dinner with his family Not to mention the amount of breads I was having in my diet.  I thought all the carbs and sugars were giving me a yeast infection. Because of this, I changed my diet completely, but was still getting the infections.

Usually these infections came once a month for me and I was always miserable. I pretty much felt like I wanted to rip my vagina off and die.

It wasn't until the last yeast infection that I had where I started looking online for treatments other than the typical medications that my Gyno, gave me.

Yeast Infection No More must have been the best information I have read in learning how to get rid of and prevent yeast infections. Not only did they talk about women's vaginal yeast infections, but they even discussed other forms that occur on different parts of the body.

After trying these remedies a few times, I have been yeast infection free for about 4 months now. If I feel a yeast infection come on, I usually do a treatment to prevent it from happening, as these treatments are made to level the PH in the body.

And YES, I still take birth control pills!